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Do Dental Crowns Last Forever?

Dental crowns are a type of prosthetic used to restore a badly damaged tooth. It can be needed because of a large cavity, after a root canal, or to treat a tooth that’s badly chipped or cracked.

With dental crowns, you can get a solution that takes care of both the way your teeth work and how they look.

However, dental crowns don’t last forever. Sooner or later, you will need to replace them, though how soon or late generally depends on you. 

Dental Crown Average Lifespan

Dental crowns can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years, but many patients can enjoy them for longer with the right maintenance.

Most dental crowns are designed to withstand the patient’s daily chewing needs, so they will not crack easily under pressure. However, dental crowns are not indestructible. They can still chip, crack, and break. 

Some factors that could contribute to a damaged dental crown include:

  • Chewing on objects or hard foods – Every time you’re chewing on something hard, you’re applying extra pressure on the dental crown. Eventually, that extra pressure can weaken the crown, causing it to chip or crack;
  • Trauma – Falls or direct blows to the mouth can damage a dental crown as well as your natural teeth;
  • Wear and tear – Sometimes, the dental crown is just old and not strong enough to support your needs;
  • Oral health problems – Sometimes you might need to replace a crown even if the prosthetic itself is fine. This can happen if you develop oral health conditions, such as gum disease, which can affect the natural tooth underneath and prevent it from supporting the crown.

How to Protect Your Dental Crown for Longer

If you want your dental crown to be in the 15-year or longer category, then consider these useful maintenance tips:

Take Care of Your Oral Health

The best thing you can do to take care of your dental crown is to take care of your oral health. That means brushing your teeth at least two times a day, flossing daily, and using the right products. 

For instance, you should use non-abrasive toothpaste and switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid scratching the dental crown. 

Improve Your Diet and Habits 

Try to reduce the amounts of hard foods you regularly consume and add more fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet. These promote salivation, which helps flush out bacteria from the mouth and decreases your risk for cavities.

Habits-wise, don’t use your teeth to open packets or chew on hard objects. 

See the Dentist Routinely

With routine consultations and professional cleanings, you can protect both your natural teeth and dental crown for a long time.

Getting a New Dental Crown

Need to change an old dental crown? The team at Elite Dentistry is here to help!

Schedule a dental crown appointment at Elite Dentistry online, or call us at (407) 658-0103.

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