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Can I Get Cavities With Porcelain Veneers?

One of the best ways to get the smile you’ve always wanted is to speak to an Orlando dentist about getting veneers.

They are a popular cosmetic procedure that can address almost all types of cosmetic imperfections. But veneers are not going to protect your teeth from oral health issues like cavities, so you will still need to diligently brush your teeth every single day after getting them.

Keep reading to understand why: 

How do veneers work?

Veneers don’t cover the entire tooth like other dental treatments, such as crowns. Instead, they’re a thin shell that’s attached to the front surface of a natural tooth. 

Porcelain veneers are thick enough to conceal a variety of cosmetic concerns, such as:

  • Severe staining and discoloration
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Misshapen and irregularly sized teeth
  • Minor alignment issues
  • Minor chips and cracks
  • Translucent or worn-down teeth, etc.

Though they can have a restorative role (such as in the case of a cracked tooth), veneers are mostly a cosmetic procedure. 

Why you can still get cavities even with porcelain veneers

Cavities form when the harmful bacteria already present in the mouth feed on the food particles that linger after your meals and release acids that slowly break down tooth enamel. 

This causes tooth tissue to decay and makes a permanent hole in the tooth that gets bigger over time, known as a tooth cavity. Porcelain cannot be broken down by this process, so technically, the front of your teeth is safe, but the rest isn’t. You can still develop cavities behind the veneers, and treating them may require removing the shells altogether. 

Do veneers damage your teeth?

Some patients may be concerned that veneers may lead to worse oral health down the line. This is usually due to the preparation stage, which involves shaving a small amount of tooth enamel to create a rough texture. This process allows the veneer to properly bond with the tooth. 

However, you should know that this preparation process will not affect the integrity of your teeth! The amount of enamel shaved is extremely low and will not result in unwanted consequences such as heightened sensitivity or weaker teeth. 

That being said, veneers aren’t for everyone. If you already have highly sensitive or weak teeth, this process may be too much for you. In these cases, a cosmetic dentist will likely recommend other cosmetic treatments to help you get the smile you want. 

How Elite Dentistry can help

Veneers may be the solution to getting a stunning smile that lasts, but are they right for you? Come see Dr. Mark Ashy for a short consultation to find out and get a personalized treatment plan to improve your smile’s aesthetics! 

To get started, request an appointment at Elite Dentistry online or call our office at (407) 658-0103 to learn more about veneers or our other cosmetic services.

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